Who, me?
Alexandra Kirsch has been in the digital marketing space for 15 years. She has worked across industries, and in both agency and client-side environments. She considers her approach to be consumer-obsessed, results-driven, and digital-first.
Alexandra writes to reflect; her essays, quips and opinions are cheeky, honest, and unapologetic.
Alexandra has been mentioned in the following spaces:
AdWeek | If Your Brand’s Influencer Seems Too Good to Be True, Watch Out | Link
PRWeek | ‘They’re Going to Weather This:’ Why Keurig Shouldn’t Sweat a Conservative Backlash | Link
PRWeek | Don’t Ignore the Little Guy|Link
The New York Times | Weddings | March 8, 2015 | Link
Julia West (Metro.US) | Spring Cleaning? Don’t Forget Your Inbox | Link
Gini Dietrich (Spin Sucks) | PR Pros: Stop Treating Bloggers Like Second-Class Media | Link
Michigan State University College of Arts & Letters | Alumni Updates | Link
The Well Read Fish| Fish Focus: Alexandra Kirsch | Link
Justin Simon (Michigan State University WRAC) | Alumni Profiles July 2011 | Link
Elizabeth Weitzman (NY Daily News) | Movie resolutions from Twitter Fans | Link
Danny Brown (DannyBrown.me) | “Alexandra Kirsch and the Perfect Blogger Pitch” | Link